Sunday, January 25, 2009

Part II

Marlow is lying on the deck of the steamboat he is repairing, when he overhears a conversation between the Manager and his uncle, the leader of the Eldorado Exploring Expedition.
What are the important things he learns from this exchange?
Marlow learns that Kurtz is planning on turning the station into beacon civilization and moral improvement. Kurtz wants to take over the head management position. He learns that these two people are planning a conspiracy to hang a man who is troublesome.
What is the uncle gesturing towards at the end?
Anyone who stands in his way must be hanged. That Kurtz needs to die.
Summarize Marlow's meditation on the cannibal crew. What is he impressed with?
"savages" "inhuman"
Well, at first he realizes they are hungry because they couldn’t trade on shore. He wants to help these savage. He finds it funny that the other men don’t agree with his decision.

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