Tuesday, December 9, 2008

N-Word Questions

1.) There is definatly more than one meaning to the word. Again, it all depends on who you are. The semantics of the word has definatly decreased as time went on. In the early 1900's the word was used with strong hatred towards blacks because they were "worthless in other peoples eyes." Over time, people have nonsegregated the societies. I really don't think it's used in our community, I can't really say if it is used a lot or not 'cause I'm not everyone, but I really think it's not as big of an issue as it was earlier in the years. For me the word is offensive, but I'm not colored so I really don't know what it's like to be called that. Words don't take a huge affect on me so it very hard to say. My parents generation, well, when they seen the book they were shocked that we were allowed to read it. If this word was used in a racial community, they wouldn't think anything of the word. They would use it because that's what they are accustomed to. I think that by using the term nigger, towards people, is very cruel, and shouldn't be happening, but it does. Well, I really think that no matter what, nigger should not be used in any cirrcumstance. It doesn't matter who uses it, where they use it, it really has the same affect.
2.) I understand where she is coming from for the most part, but since I have not been in her shoes, for me, it isn't as big of a deal. I don't think she was right because this teacher, Danny Hanson, wants to help his students understand the meaning of the word and no matter how you use it, it is inappropriate and harmful. Bottom line, he wanted to inform this new generation of the meaning behind the word nigger. To Marla Hendricks, it probably would have made a difference if Danny Hanson was black because then to her, he would have known what he was talking about because he would have "history behind it." I thought Boston Republic was a really good show and it really did explore the topic well. The program hoped to achieve peoples attention on the word nigger should not be used, pretty simple I suppose. I think it has succeeded for the most part. There are always going to be racial people in the world, but I know that it has gone down a lot.

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