Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Auto Bailout or not?

First, I am not very familiar with the topic, so my understanding of this may not be so good...

I chose the NO side, because we have been doing fine without the major 3 and I'm pretty sure we can continue doing fine without them. They deserve to be locked up for what they did. Maybe I'm not understanding this, but I don't really see how their deaths can creat a "tsnami of job losses" as it says in the YES side. I really agree with the NO side when they say how they should face bankruptcy court just like every other failing business. I strongly believe in that too. Just because you made a great auto industy, and made millions, doesn't mean that when you eventually do go bankrupt, you definatly shouldn't just be given loans to you just because your "special" (kind of like celebrities in a way).

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