Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Should Promoting Democracy Abroad Be A Top US Priority?

I started off neutral with the topic. I agreed with some issues that Wittes brought up and some issues that Siegle brought forth. However, after reading the whole article, I began to write and all the things I listed for Wittes were stronger than I had for Siegle. So I agree with Wittes that promoting democracy abroad shouldn't be at the top of our list. However, I don't understand how it is a key part of the war on terrorism. I also believe that the world should have difference in it and by making us all the same with the democracy government, I could see it causing problems.
In the beginning of the packet it said "while a world populated by democracies is likely to be more peaceful than others, a world of countries going through the process of democratization may be more unstable and conflict-prone." I'm not certain which person this would fall under, but my guess would be Wittes and the "NO" argument. I agree with this statement a lot.

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